Friday, July 31, 2009

Bird Feeding - How to Attract Song Birds to the Garden

By Dave McLeod

Feeding birds in your back yard can be fun and rewarding. Songbirds will add colour, life and vibrancy to your garden. Attracting and keeping songbirds, however, can depend on a number of factors including the type and quality of seed that you provide.

The most popular seed is black-oil sunflower, which is accepted by the greatest variety of birds. Black-oil sunflower is an oil-rich food that is a good source of energy. Its thin shell makes it easy to open, even for small birds. This seed is a particular favourite of cardinals, chickadees, evening grosbeaks and purple finches but is also part of the diet of most other songbirds. You can't go wrong with a hanging tube or hopper-style feeder full of black-oil sunflower seed.

Blended mixes should also be part of a back yard feeding program. Good blends will contain black-oil sunflower, in addition to other ingredients that will provide variety and nutrition. The blend you choose will depend on the birds that you wish to attract. For example, blends that contain millet will attract juncos, mourning doves and sparrows. Blue jays favour peanuts and striped sunflower, while cardinals like safflower. Some blends are adjusted seasonally to provide birds with the nutrition they require at different times of the year. Retailers who specialize in wild bird feeding will be able to help you select the blend that is right for you.

If you are interested in attracting gold finches and other finches, then nyger seed should be at the top of your list. Nyger is a small seed that is also rich in oil. Alternatively, you can opt for a wild finch blend, which contains nyger, red millet and other seeds preferred by finches. This is a cost-effective alternative to pure nyger. For nyger seed and wild finch blends, you will require a tube-style feeder with tiny feeding ports.

When it comes to selecting birdseed, it's wise to keep in mind that not all brands of birdseed are the same. Not only should you know which seed is favoured by different species of birds, you need to be aware that the quality of birdseed can vary greatly between different brands. The old maxim "you get what you pay for" is true even for birdseed.

Selecting top quality birdseed is not difficult when you know what to look for. Here are a few basics:

Look for birdseed that appears fresh. The fresher the ingredients are, the more likely that all of the food will be eaten and not wasted. Store your seed in tight-lidded containers to preserve freshness.

Look for seed that is clean and dust-free. Powder that is created during processing adds weight to a bag, which you pay for but which the birds won't eat. Be wary of opaque packaging that doesn't allow you to inspect all the seed.

Pay attention to ingredients. Avoid blends that contain wheat, milo (sorghum) and other "fillers" that birds won't eat. Look for sunflowers, nuts, corn, millets and fruits to attract the most birds.

Discount brands tend to have sunflower seeds that are immature. Good quality blends have sunflower seeds with greater kernel density and thus more food for the birds. Avoid sunflower seeds that appear flat, which is a sign of immaturity.

Avoid buying bird feed with a powder-like appearance on the grains. This is a sign of mould. Once contaminated, mould will spread quickly through a bag of seed. No birds will eat mouldy seed.

Finally, once you are attracting birds to your yard, keep them coming back by ensuring that they have a clean and fresh supply of food. Inspect and clean your feeders on a regular basis and dispose of any seed that has gone mouldy. By providing birds with a good quality seed in a well-maintained feeder you will enjoy weeks of enjoyable bird watching in your own back yard.

Are you having trouble keeping squirrels away from your bird feeder? Click Here for the best solution to your problem.

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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Keeping Squirrels Out Of Your Bird Feeder

By David Pierce

Squirrels can wreak havoc when you have a lot of birds congregating around your feeder. Although pretty to look at as well, squirrels and birds do not mix. The squirrels are attracted to the bird seed that is in the feeder, so they take no stops in attempting to climb up and help themselves to anything that may be in there. Although the squirrels will not harm birds, it naturally will scare them off, keeping them from visiting in the future. If your goal is to bird watch, this will inevitably defeat your purpose.

There are several ways to keep squirrels away from your bird feeder. It can be placed in an open area away from trees where the squirrels can easily jump onto the platform. Squirrels will rarely stray away from trees or other shrubbery into an open area. For many people, however, this is not an option. You can count on the fact that anywhere there is a tree, and you have squirrels in your area, they will attempt to get into your bird feeder.

If you are attracting smaller birds, you could hang a tubular bird feeder with small holes, this will prevent most squirrels from gaining access to the bird seed, especially if it is hung from a pole. Squirrels seem to have a harder time climbing poles than they do trees. Another approach is to paint your pole or the area around your birdhouse a milano red. It has been proven that for whatever reason, squirrels do not like this color. Go to your favorite hardware or home improvement store to find this color. Actually painting the bird house itself milano red could also help. This will not effect most birds and will quietly keep squirrels away without having to make any major modifications.

A wire cage can also be wrapped around the bird feeder to prevent squirrels from gaining access to the seed. Most birds will quickly figure out they can get to the food, where squirrels will go elsewhere since they cannot fit their bodies into the bird house. Although this may be unattractive and odd looking to someone outside your lawn looking in.

The easiest way is to buy a squirrel guard. Place your bird feeder on a pole and attach a circular device around five feet from the ground. This will prevent squirrels from reaching the birdhouse. Just be certain that it is not near an area where they can jump from a tree or house. Squirrels are known for the jumping ability and can practically fly from one tree to another. As a last resort you can buy a substance to put around your bird feeder to keep the squirrels away. It can be found in most home improvement stores and will not harm birds.

If watching birds is your goal, and you want to keep squirrels away from your feeder, using the above methods will definitely help the problem. You may even want to consider giving the squirrels their own feeder. If you put large chunks of food in and make it unappealing to birds, that could solve your problem as well.

David Pierce is owner of Back Yard Bird Feeders A website aimed at the joy of watching and feeding birds.
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Monday, July 27, 2009

Bird Books

By Ken Marlborough

While pursuing the hobby of birding and bird watching, it is very important to invest in a good pair of binoculars and, of course, a good bird book. A bird book is one of the most important things for a bird enthusiast has to have at all times.

A bird book, referred to as a field guide, is the basic reference book of birding. It is usually a little book, but it contains an abundance of information about birds. There are descriptions and pictures of different birds; the book even tells you what specific details one has to look for while bird watching. It tells you the different colors of birds, special characteristics of birds that help you distinguish among birds and also the specific habitat they can be found in. In fact, it can be considered as the next best thing to a friendly expert birder at your side!

Bird books are found regionally, which means that a particular area may have bird books that cater to the birds found only in that area. Usually, it is okay to start with only one bird book, but soon you may feel that you have to have more than one field guide. This need arises mainly because no one book actually contains all the information of all birds in an area. The information found in one book may not be available in another book. And, while you have two or more books handy, it would be wise to compare the different illustrations and descriptions of the same bird from both books. In this way, you may learn how to locate the bird from different vantage points! Then, you will be ready when you do unexpectedly encounter the bird you were waiting for!

Birds provides detailed information on Birds, Bird Feeders, Bird Baths, Bird Houses and more. Birds is affiliated with Aquarium Lights.
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Friday, July 24, 2009

Watching the Birds While Camping

By Victor Epand

Many individuals enjoy watching the birds when they are camping out in the great outdoors, which is why having a bird identifier is so important. Often times, when you place bird feeders or bird seed around your camp site it is often important to have a tent handy so you can keep out of site so the birds will come closer.

When you are camping in the outdoors you will hear the subtle songs from the many birds that are in the wild, but do you ever wonder what the name of the birds are that are singing? A bird identifier is perfect for carrying along with you when you are in the outdoors with your children or even if you are all alone. Having a bird identifier along with you is an excellent way to learn about the native birds and their songs. Spring brings a lot of beautiful scenery to the outdoors, but it also brings some of the most beautiful music your ears will ever hear. During this time of the year, the woods and even your backyards are filled with a cacophony of North American birds singing their joyful songs.

You hear them all the time, but most people take the sound of birds for granted, but if you have ever stopped and listened to the music, then you would be amazed at all the different sounds you will hear. If you are a bird watcher or simply intrigued by the chirping you hear everyday, then the perfect gift to purchase for yourself is a bird identifier. These are interesting devices that can be used as both a recreational and educational bird watching tool.

One particular bird identifier is only about four by six inches and it will fit in the palm of your hand and it will bring the outdoors to your fingertips. If you hear a bird chirping and you would like to know what it is, then all you do is simply put in the credit-card sized song card. The song card has ten pictures of birds on it and you press the button next to the picture and the identifier will "sing" the corresponding bird's song. This is great if you would like to be able to identify birds by their songs, but it can also be used to locate birds in your area.

If you would like to find a certain bird, just push the corresponding button on the card and listen to see if any birds respond. The player operates on three AAA batteries and is very easy to use with volume control, a power switch, and a private listening device. A bird identifier is perfect for carrying along with you when you are in the outdoors with your children or even if you are all alone. These bird identifiers normally come with at least two song cards, which will identify twenty bird songs, and a guide to help you learn many helpful tips about the birds and bird watching.

Victor Epand is an expert consultant for sweatpants, sweatshirts, outdoor gear, sports clothing, and model motorcycles. Click here when you want to find sweatpants, sweatshirts, bird identifier.
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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Bird Watching - Is it Just For the Birds?

By Mike Selvon

When a bird watching hobbyist says that something is "for the birds," he or she does not mean that it is crazy. They are probably referring to some of their equipment or books that help them to have this wonderful hobby. If you have not had much contact with such pets and want to find a great pastime, then birding is definitely for you. It allows you to get outside and enjoy nature and it does not cost a whole lot to get started. You can go out and find interesting species of birds that you like.

Bird watching is one of those hobbies that you do not need a lot of information or equipment right off the bat. However, some people do want to get some guidance. One website that does offer guidance, equipment and hints/tips is Bird Watching. They have tons of information for the beginner. They can even give you tips on setting up bird feeders in your yard so that the birds will come to your yard instead, eliminating the need to go traipsing through the woods to find them.

A great way to get into watching these pets is to go on birding tours. These tours can be local or they can be to some tropical destination where you will observe exotic birds, such as Toucans or Flamingos. Just the thrill of seeing wild birds in their own natural habitat can be a treat for anyone. It not only gets you outside in the sun but it also can serve as an excellent form of exercise.

You can easily cover miles when you are absorbed in watching the skies or trees for the birds that you are seeking out. If you are not quite ready to spend a lot of money on a birding tour, then you can always borrow a book from your local library and discover the ones that live in your area. There are many books that can offer you tips and tricks to seeking out local of such pets.

If you want a more passive bird watching experience, you can always utilize feeders in your yard or garden. By feeding the birds you get the opportunity to observe many different kinds of these species that are native to your area. But remember that different feeders attract different types of of such pets. All of that free food will often attract squirrels that are looking for a quick meal.

Your local home and garden center can help you find the right feeder for the job.

Find our more about birds of prey at Mike Selvon articles portal, and claim your free audio gift on common birds.
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Monday, July 13, 2009

Birdwatching For Family Learning

By Robert W. Mann

Families can turn their birdwatching into meaningful learning and even research through national events like Project FeederWatch and the Great Backyard Bird Count. Facilitated by organizations like the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and the Audubon Society, these projects involve volunteers across the nation helping scientists monitor bird life in North America. The final result is a comprehensive report and publication.

Annual counts usually take place from November through early April. Registration begins in the springtime for the following year, and continues for the next twelve months. Volunteer birdwatchers count the total number of birds in the area at a single time to avoid counting a single bird more than once. This also alleviates the need for constant monitoring of a bird feeder or yard.

The cost of participation is less than twenty dollars and covers the bulk of the project's cost. In addition, all participants receive a kit containing a poster for identifying birds, a wall calendar, a guide to proper bird feeding, a form for counting, and directions for using these items. U.S. residents are also given an annual subscription to the respective organization's newsletter.

Data collected in these projects is featured in science publications and frequently used by ornithologists and birdwatchers throughout North America. The count provides a real opportunity to contribute to the well-being and research of birds that share our habitat. Another benefit is finding previously unknown birds in the neighborhood.

The bird count is open to every type of individual and group. Currently it includes people of all skill levels and backgrounds: Classrooms, individuals, children, bird clubs, nature centers, youth groups, and retired persons. The count provides great learning opportunities for families in particular and can be a stepping stone for building an appreciation for birds.

Participants are free to choose how much time they invest. Organizers of the projects provide many options for when and how long to count birds. As the main approach is to provide numbers for a slice of time, schedules set to accommodate short attention spans can still provide meaningful results.

Picking a spot to count birds is up to the discretion of participants. Areas of the yard that include a birdhouse or bird feeder are a logical choice, but by no means the rule. Those who love to watch birds will have a good idea of where to find them. Instructions provided by the projects will also include guidelines on how to identify good areas for counting.

Taking part in a national bird count for research is a win-win for those with a love of birdwatching. Families can admire these beautiful creatures while providing a meaningful contribution to their well-being. The birding tools provided are also worth the effort and can be a part of future family learning projects.

To treat your wild birds to a bird feeder or birdhouse, point your browser to
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Sunday, July 5, 2009

Birdwatching - Connecting Kids to Nature!

By Shari Carpenter

What child hasn't been delighted to see his first bird up close?

Maybe it was a humble sparrow or a squawking seagull -- whatever they are, birds are a natural delight to watch and can be seen anywhere in the world.

If you are looking for an activity that you can enjoy with your children, whether they're five or 15, you might want to consider the popular hobby of bird watching. It is one of the fastest growing outdoor activities in America -- and a great way for families to enjoy time together.

What IS Bird Watching?

Bird watching is more than just observing birds. It is an interest in the actual birds -- their names, markings, activities, songs and habitats. Not only does it encourage a child (or an adult) to learn about birds, but gets them outside and builds an appreciation of local wildlife and nature.

Bird watching doesn't require a strong knowledge of birds; you can learn with your children as you begin to locate and identify local wild birds. Keep a list of the birds you've spotted and help one another identify what you've seen by making notes of the color, size and markings on the bird. You may even start to learn their calls and challenge yourself to identify the birds by their songs.

Where Can You Go to Bird Watch?

Bird watching can be as simple an activity as setting up a bird feeder in your backyard and watching the local wild birds that come to you. However, your children will no doubt appreciate time spent outdoors, properly geared up for an outing of bird watching with you.

You will soon learn about the specific habitats that birds live in around your home. As you become familiar with local birds you may even want to take trips to areas that will feature different species than you have locally. Watch as your children eagerly try to identify these new birds before you do!

What Do You Need?

Bird watching is a very inexpensive hobby. If you are going to be outside you will want everyone to have proper attire -- including an extra pair of socks and a hat.

Other than that you will need at least one pair of binoculars, although it is more fun if everyone has their own pair so nobody misses out on a sighting. There are special binoculars for kids.

You'll also want a bird book (called a field guide) to help you identify the birds you see. If you take along one that features birds in your area it will also give you suggestions about where you can find them.

If your children are older, or you catch the bird watching bug, be sure to take along a notepad and camera. Make notes on birds you can't identify and look them up at home with your children to determine what you saw. You might also develop a list of local birds and check them off as you see them. This is great for kids who thrive on challenge!

Don't miss out -- watch birds in your backyard daily. Just put up a feeder to get started. But if you really want to attract birds add a bird bath. You and your kids will have even more fun if you put up a birdhouse (nestbox) to watch a new family of baby birds being raised.

Bird watching is a fantastic hobby that the whole family can enjoy. Try it one afternoon and see for yourself how your family bonds while enjoying the fresh air, local scenery and most of all ... the natural world!

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Shari Carpenter is the owner of, a one-stop resource for people that love birdwatching, bird feeding and pet birds. covers a wide range of information, products and supplies, including the blog "Birdwatchin' Buzz Today!" It is also the place to subscribe to "David's Wild Bird Club" Newsletter.
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